I am back from a brief hiatus. The holidays, epic storms, winter blues and illness made the end of the year/beginning a bit of a cluster. But alas here we are. Two weeks into the year 2023 and making slow but steady progress on the goals ahead. Small incremental progress is much more important than large bursts of productivity with weeks of downtime.
I finished my first book of the year, “Control Freak” (more about that below) and started finished my second “The Metaverse”. My reading list for 2023 can be found here:
where I will be updating it as I go along. Suggestions are welcome.
Game progress has been a bit slow I just cant seem to find the motivation to work on the visual projects but have been working on an joined project for the game which is an API written in Go. The plan is to create a simple API to ingest player data, movement, locations, interactions and time spent. Later I will use these to perform various analysis and have some ideas for machine learning spinoffs.
Quick and Brief
I am in the middle of this weeks post where there is a bit more structure. I found a very helpful technique for remembering what I read, taking notes and finding study time. I will go over all that hopefully this week.